Aligning the body + mind // functional movement, manual therapy, energy healing + intuitive nutrition

Increase strength, flexibility and mobility with a custom program designed specifically to your body.


Deep stretching with the cadillac allows for an active release while realigning the body

Living in Alignment to YOUR highest state of health

Wellness is unique to each individual

Let us help you create a personalized, intuitive path for achieving optimum health in every season of life. Schedule a virtual assessment to discuss your goals.

Start your journey to feeling



A · L · I · G · N · E · D


Discover the power of intuitive healing

From the founder of Aligned Wellness

Our method uniquely blends esoteric concepts of Yoga, Meditation + Energetic Healing with the tangible properties of Fundamental Movement + Pilates, Manual Therapy, Structural Integration and Health Coaching. This allows you to uncover and reprogram deeper patterns as you progress.

Meet our founder

Choose your path


Functional Movement + Pilates

Start here // if you are looking to align + strengthen your body, increase endurance, improve flexibility + balance, restore proper core function, recover from injury, are pregnant or postpartum or are just looking for a highly effective, low-impact fitness solution.

Structural Integration + Manual Therapy

Start here // if you have pain, discomfort, stress, tension, postural misalignments, injuries, pregnant, postpartum, looking to restore proper alignment, biomechanics, breath + core function, or if you just need restorative, deep stretching + muscle release.

Reiki + Chakra Balancing

Start here // if you are looking to clear energy blocks, reduce stress + anxiety, improve sleep, heal pain, illness or injury, gain clarity, achieve a deeper mind-body connection or if you are seeking deep relaxation


Take control of your health